Eczema 01427 ...Singapore
A 50-year-old female patient came to the practitioner with the skin of both forearms covered in a thick black crust of eczema. She said it was very itchy and she had suffered it for almost 30 years. This made her miserable and upset. She was given vibro pills to take orally for itching skin and eczema but was not satisfied because it was working very slowly. She asked if the practitioner could give her something to put on the skin. So the practitioner gave her the same remedy in Vibhuti. This was:
SR295 Hypericum + SR299 Lycopodium + SR315 Staphysagria + SR382 Croton Tig...TDS
To be applied externally as well as taken orally. After 6 weeks the eczema was cleared and she was very happy.