साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Successful Pregnancy 02295...Greece

Patient’s testimonial: 

In March of 2010 when I was 32 years old, my menstrual cycle stopped. At first I thought I was pregnant, having been married for eight years, but the tests showed otherwise. My gynaecologist ordered tests, which revealed a slight irregularity in the hormone levels. Also, the URS showed several cysts on one ovary. I was given the hormone, Oestrogen, in pill form to restore my menses. This was  not  effective,  though  the  doctor kept increasing  the  dose.  I  continued taking  other hormones without effect. After 3 months my doctor asked me to stop the pills and have a relaxing summer. Another gynaecologist I visited didn’t find any problems and gave me also the same therapy. An endocrinologist told me the same. 

In August I talked about my problem to the vibro practitioner. She told me she could help me with vibrionics. I asked for some information and since I trusted her, I felt like giving it a try. I took the first remedy at the end of August 2010: 

#1. NM23 Menses Irregular + BR16 Female + SR264 Silicea 30C + SR270 Apis Mel + SR318 Thuja 30C + SR515 Ovary...TDS 

#2. SR249 Medorrhinum 1M…one dose every two weeks four times 

Within 3-4 weeks my menses returned. I remember my surprise. I had been trying in vain with tests and medication, hormones and various doctors for 6 months. Since then my menstruation has been normal and the cysts just disappeared! After this, I took another remedy that helped me overcome my problem of being shy and passive, and feeling guilty most of the time for not being able to solve all the problems of the people around me: 

#3. SM4 Stabilizing + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SM6 Stress + SM9 Lack of Confidence + SR417 Agrimony + SR439 Pine...TDS which also helped me greatly. 

After this treatment we discussed other problems I had regarding my relationships and myself especially my loss of sexual drive. The practitioner gave me three new remedies: 

#4. SM21 Female + SM39 Tension + SR233 Ruby + SR331 Bacillus 7 

#4a. SR222 Sacral, and #4b. SR225 Throat…one dose every two weeks, alternating between these chakra remedies #4a & #4b

I believe this chakra treatment helped me to better communicate with both my husband and my family. It also helped me in general to express myself more fully, not to keep too much inside. Also it helped me understand more clearly why people, including myself, behave the way they do. It meliorated my relationship with my mother by helping my understanding of my guilt complex. I was able to control this guilt and see things from a detached point of view. A few months later I got pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful little girl. 

During pregnancy I was treated with Pregnancy tonic: 

#5. NM2 Blood + NM3 Bone Irregularity + NM12 Combination 12 + NM21 KBS + NM22 Liver + NM67 Calcium + SM26  Immunity  +  SM41  Uplift  +  SR254  Calc  Phos  +  SR256  Ferrum  Phos  +  SR360  VIBGYOR  +  SR373 Caulophyllum + SR374 Causticum 30C + SR544 Aletris Far...TDS 

In the first couple of months of my pregnancy I had severe migraines and nausea. During the whole pregnancy I took for Migraine: 

#6. NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + NM85 Headache-Bloodpressure + SM33 Pain + SR254 Calc Phos + SR258 Kali Phos 200C + SR261 Nat Mur 30C + SR263 Nat Sulph + SR264 Silicea + SR275 Belladonna 1M + SR295 Hypericum 200C + SR298 Lachesis 30C + SR309 Pulsatilla 30C + SR 407 Sanguinaria + SR409 Spigelia 30C + SR552 Iris Ver 200C...TDS 

#7. NM37 Acidity + NM67 Calcium + SR229 Emerald + SR262 Nat Phos + SR545 Arum Trip...TDS 

Whenever I felt either symptom coming on, I took the pill and within 15-20 minutes I felt fine! To make it short, during the whole pregnancy I had no headaches and nausea by just taking vibro pills. I need to say that from my first experience with the menses, I was persuaded already on the effectiveness of this healing system.  I believe that somehow the chakra therapy “enlightened” my way of understanding people and life.  I remember moments of clarity during which everything had an explanation. I felt I understood the reasons why people behaved the way they did; so much appeared clear to me. My husband and l are most grateful for the therapy. We still go on asking for more vibro remedies, and this week we began giving the remedy to my 5-month-old baby for not sleeping in the night. We wish all success to your 1st International Conference!” 

Practitioner’s testimonial: 

“This couple had lived for 7 years on only the wife’s salary, since the husband, a Belgian national, could not find a job in Greece. This fact was causing him great distress and therefore causing a problem in their relationship. As soon as the wife got pregnant he found a very good job in Belgium where they all now live happily. I consider this to be the result of the vibro therapy, counselling, and the good will and effort of both to mature and evolve, trusting the teachings of Bhagawan and the vibro healing system.”