साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

From the desk of Dr.Jit K Aggarwal

Vol 14 अंक 4
July / August 2023

Dear Practitioners

I am blessed to be writing to you on the eve of the most auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima. It is also a milestone for our Sai Vibrionics newsletter as we are offering the 80th edition at the feet of our beloved Swami. It has not been an easy task to keep the newsletter going without missing a single deadline and we thank all of you who are involved in its production for your continued efforts and dedication. 

Our Loving Lord Sai Baba says “What is the significance of Guru Purnima? Guru is one who illumines the path to divinity. Purnima stands for the cool full moonlight. Full moon stands for a mind with total illumination and purity. Even if there is a trace of blemish in the mind, it will lead to darkness. It cannot give you total bliss. Embodiments of love! Let your mind be filled with the radiance of divine love…You cannot attain God with your education, power and wealth. He is accessible by love and love alone. You can experience Him only when you develop love. Devotion means to love God wholeheartedly”…Sri Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 35:Ch13, Divine Discourse 24 July 2002.

With so much violence on the rise, natural calamities fueled by climate change and epic surges in disease, a lot of suffering, anxiety and fear are rampant the world over. There couldn’t be a more propitious time than now for us practitioners to come together and offer our love in the form of selfless vibrionics service to our eternal Guru Sai, who is ever present in the hearts of all those we serve. Swami says, “Through the sense of unity, the willingness to sacrifice, and the softness of compassion, all objects can be gained. So, the Sai Organisation must move forward with hearty enthusiasm in the field of service to society… what a single individual cannot accomplish, a well-knit group or society can achieve.” Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 15, 1981 – 82. In fact, it is this very message of our Lord that is the genesis of the Sai Vibrionics Institute for Research and Training (SVIRT). Its main objective is to train, develop and enrich our practitioner base. It is our central command centre that will harness the power of collaboration and leverage the network effect to increase the reach of our mission and bring divine love in the form of healing vibrations to the masses.

Incidentally, the SVIRT office in Puttaparthi is now operational, where in addition to the charging of 108CC boxes and distribution of vibrionics material and literature, a clinic is held twice a week. In the near future, we plan to conduct workshops from the same premises. If any practitioner or anyone you know is planning to move to or visit Parthi for an extended duration in the near future and might be interested in signing up for admin seva at SVIRT, kindly email us on [email protected]. The transition from IASVP to SVIRT is in progress, barring a few procedural hiccups.

It may seem that I am repeating myself, but I cannot emphasize enough the significance of case histories in the sustainability, development, and upliftment of SVIRT. The wonderful case histories that we have been receiving from new as well as experienced practitioners go a long way in the enrichment and growth of not only our practitioners but also our entire reader base. Case histories are not only a teaching aid for practitioners, but they also give hope and encouragement to patients and readers at large in many ways. The writing and submission of successful case histories remains a challenge for many practitioners for whom English is not their first language. We have come up with a plan to address this impediment in earnest. We are seeking volunteers who can communicate with these practitioners in their vernacular language, understand their cases based on patient records, and then send the cases in English to our editorial team who will further refine them for publication. I am making an appeal to all our Regional and Country coordinators to take the lead and spearhead this initiative. All those who would like to volunteer in this endeavour may write to us at [email protected]

It is very encouraging to see that there are many vibrionics group activities being held regularly across the globe. Of special mention are our practitioners from Kerala and the United Kingdom. The community of practitioners in both areas are extremely consistent in coordinating and organizing regular meetings for effective collaboration and keeping everyone motivated. For further details, refer to the In Addition section of this issue. It is our hope that some of you will be inspired to take up similar initiatives! 

Swami says, “Offer service and receive love. This is the recipe for experiencing Divinity.” Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 20 1987. On the occasion of Guru Purnima Day, it is my sincere and heartfelt prayer to Swami that all practitioners pledge to increase collaboration and expand their service activities to take vibrionics to greater heights.

In loving service to Sai

Jit K Aggarwal