साई व्हाइब्रियोनिक्स पत्रिका

" जब आप किसी हतोत्साहित, निराष या रोग ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को देखते हो, वहीं आपका सेवा क्षेत्र है " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 7 अंक 4
July/August 2016

1. Question: Would parallel treatment with allopathy and vibrionics for chronic conditions like diabetes and hypothyroidism produce faster results? Can this be detrimental in any way?

   Answer: In general, vibrionics, if given along with allopathy, will speed up the cure. This would apply also in the case of chronic conditions mentioned. However, at the time of taking the remedy the parameters in question would move in the right direction although these could go too far, for instance, the blood sugar could come down and cause hypoglycaemia or the BP could come down and cause hypotension. So the practitioner should proceed with caution and perhaps start with a lower dosage like OD instead of the normal TDS and then increase gradually. He should also make the patient aware that such a situation could occur.


2. Question: I have a female patient aged 32 with skin allergy, who received allopathic pills as well as three different kinds of ointments. First ointment for hand and body containing Dermovate steroid is categorized as the strongest. Second for face contains hydrocortisone and has weak effect whereas the third, also for face, contains Voalla steroid and has strong effect. All three also include Gentamicin, an antibiotic. In order to remove the side-effects of the creams, can I make one nosode for all three together or should I make a separate nosode for each cream? 

   Answer: Each ointment has its own efficacy, side-effects, usage, limitation etc. For this reason, the doctor has prescribed three different creams. However, a nosode made in a vibrionics potentiser works differently. When we take a combination remedy, each vibration in the combo automatically finds it target and acts on it. In this way, it helps to counteract the side effects of that cream. So, it stands to reason that it is sufficient to make one nosode from a sample containing a mixture of all three creams. It should be as effective as three different nosodes but easier for the practitioner to make and more convenient for the patient to take.


3. Question: Is it safe to have a Wi-Fi connection at home without affecting the vibrations in the remedies?

   Answer: The International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization, classifies lead, chloroform, gasoline fumes, or the pesticide DDT and more than 250 other agents as Class 2B Carcinogens – possibly carcinogenic to humans. Another entry on the same list is radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, the main sources of which are radios, televisions, microwave ovens, cell phones and Wi-Fi devices.

It is considered that Wi-Fi connection has much less negative influence compared to a mobile phone. The following excerpts from an article published in The Guardian of UK on 27 September 2012 throw some light on this: 

“…..the mobile phone must be the first thing to go. In use, the phone is held close to the brain, while the Wi-Fi router may well be in another room (inverse square law). It has been estimated that you get a bigger dose of microwaves from one 20-minute phone call than from a year's of Wi-Fi.

…..Twenty laptops and two routers is roughly equivalent to one mobile phone.

…..Aluminium foil works as a simple Faraday cage and you can test this by wrapping a mobile phone in foil and then dialling it from another phone. If you get "unobtainable" tone, it worked.”

In the light of the above information, there is no concern about Wi-Fi connection but the remedies should be kept a good distance (at least one metre) away from the source of radiation which in this case is the modem.


4. Question: Please can you outline the procedure for broadcasting using the SRHVP? 

   Answer: First set potency to 200C. If you wish to broadcast vibration of a single card, then insert the appropriate card in the slot. If you want to broadcast a mixture of vibrations, put the bottle containing the combo in the SAMPLE well. In the REMEDY well, put the witness of the patient; this can be his bloodspot or a lock of his hair or his photograph. Broadcasting for 10 minutes constitutes one dose; for TDS dosage, you need to do this three times a day. If you are not satisfied with the progress of the cure, use 1M potency as our recent findings have indicated better results with this higher potency.


5. Question: Should CC17.2 Cleansing be combined with other vibrations to be part of a larger combo OR should this always be given separately?

   Answer: CC17.2 Cleansing can certainly be combined with any other remedy or even given on its own since in general, it does not produce a pullout. However, if a patient has accumulated a lot of toxins as a result of taking many antibiotics or other pharmaceutical medicines or hard drugs, or exposure to radiation, excessive environmental pollution or chemicals, then there is a greater likelihood of some pullout. In such cases, it is recommended to start with a low dosage.

For the users of SRHVP, there is a choice of other Cleansing remedies like NM72 Cleansing, SM14 Chemical Poison and SM16 Cleansing which when given singly have a potential for strong pullout. Hence the practitioner should dispense these with caution.


6. Question: Can vibrionics be used to treat primary sclerosing cholangitis?

   Answer: Certainly, use this combo: CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC4.6 Diarrhoea + CC4.11 Liver & Spleen + CC12.4 Autoimmune diseases + CC21.4 Stings & Bites.

For users of SRHVP: NM2 Blood + NM22 Liver + NM102 Skin Itch + NM113 Inflammation + BR12 Liver + SM5 Peace & Love Alignment + SR282 Carcinosin + SR284 Chelidonium 30C + SR340 Aloe Socotrina 30C + SR504 Liver.