Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Lorsque vous voyez une personne malade, une personne dans le désespoir, inconsolable ou malade,c‟est ici qu‟est la place de votre seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Skin allergy 11630...India

A 41-year-old woman, for the past seven months, had been bothered with a red, itchy rash on her legs extending to the thighs and occasionally to her arms. Triggers included sun exposure, sweating from walking even for five minutes, and prolonged sitting. Initially mild, the symptoms worsened after a long bus journey in March 2022, so she scratched her feet and toes, leading to swelling; then she found it difficult to walk. She immediately consulted a doctor who diagnosed her condition to be skin allergy; prescribed steroid tablets and ointments provided relief within four days. However, the symptoms recurred upon exposure to any trigger. Concerned about their side effects, she stopped the tablets after 20 days but continued the ointment; she applied it as soon as rash appeared and would get relief in 4 to 5 days.  

In June, ayurvedic treatment aggravated her symptoms so much that she discontinued it after three days. Homoeopathic treatment for a month provided complete relief, when she stopped the medicine, a trigger brought back the rash. After another month, same thing happened; so she stopped the homoeo treatment on 1 Sept. Upon learning about vibrionics on 8 Sep 2022, she immediately consulted the practitioner who gave her:

#1. CC21.3 Skin allergies…TDS in coconut oil for external application

#2. CC10.1 Emergencies + #1…TDS 

She used neither the ointment nor the tablets and within two weeks by 23 Sep, itching and rash improved by 80%. Only if she walked 1 to 2 km or made a bus journey for >45 min, there was mild sweating and itching. This improvement progressed to 100% by 10 Oct when she conveyed that she had no symptoms even after an hour-long bus journey and prolonged sitting. #1 was stopped and #2 was reduced to OD and gradually tapered down until stopped on 4 Jan 2023. Later the patient took remedies for other health conditions. As of Aug 2024, she remains free from rash.

Patient’s testimonial of 31 July 2024, shortened and slightly paraphrased:

I have suffered a lot from skin allergy, tried all types of treatments but in vain, got no permanent result. By Swami’s grace came to know about vibrionics in a Vedam learning session. As it was blessed by Swami, I was curious to try it and luckily got the practitioner’s contact. After taking detailed history of my health she gave the remedy. My allergy was completely cured and that too for free. I am thankful to Swami, may He shower His blessings on the practitioner and her family.