Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Lorsque vous voyez une personne malade, une personne dans le désespoir, inconsolable ou malade,c‟est ici qu‟est la place de votre seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Stammering & anaemia in a child 11646...India

A 7-year-old boy living in an orphanage had struggled with stammering since he began speaking as a child. The severity of his stammer was rated at eight on a 10-point scale. His speech was frequently interrupted by prolonged stammering, lasting several seconds after every few words. This persistent speech impediment significantly undermined his confidence and hindered his ability to communicate freely and effectively. Also, his Hb level was only 10.7. He did not take any treatment because it was believed that stammer would resolve naturally with age*. On 12 Feb 2023, the practitioner prescribed the following remedy which was initiated via video call on 1 March 2023:

CC3.1 Heart tonic + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.2 Child tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.1 Brain disabilities…QDS

After 12 weeks by 26 May, the severity and frequency of stammering had reduced by 20%; Hb level increased marginally to 11 and weight also from 18 to 19 kg. The dosage was reduced to TDS. By 10 Sept, stammering reduced by 50% while Hb had risen to 12. By 12 Jan 2024, to his immense joy, he achieved fluent speech without stammer, resulting in increased confidence and social ease; his weight now was 20 kg. The dosage was reduced to OD and remedy stopped on 31 March. As of 30 July, the boy continues to speak confidently and sings bhajans.

*There is no cure in allopathy for stammering, although one or two drugs have been reported to reduce stammer. Allopaths refer such cases to a speech-language therapist who can teach different techniques to help a child cope with or sometimes even speak without stammer.

Patient’s testimonial: Video clipping of 29 Mar 2024 is available on request