Answer Corner
Vol 16 Numéro 1
January / February 2025
Q1. One of my patients read that a radionics machine is capable of broadcasting negative vibrations also. He got scared in case her ill brother in ICU, receiving broadcast from our SRHVP, could be adversely affected. She wants to know if this is possible?
A. There are various types of radionics machines available globally but fortunately our SRHVP cannot broadcast negative vibrations. When the card/sample of a healthy organ/health-giving substance is placed in the Sample well, its healthy vibrations are infused into the medium in the Remedy well. When the card/sample of a morbid/diseased matter is placed in the Sample well, the negative vibrations from this are first inverted and the resulting healthy vibrations are then transmitted into the medium. The remedy thus made (ready for broadcasting) will contain only positive vibrations. Over and above that, our SRHVP machine, unlike the ones commercially available, has been personally blessed by Sai Baba with an assurance that it will always create Divine vibrations!
2. My aged patient has been prescribed 6TD dosage. But he prefers to take 2 pills TDS as this seems to be working for him and earlier he found it difficult to manage 6TD. How can I handle such a situation?
A. It is understandable that aged patients sometimes find it cumbersome to take a remedy at 6TD. As his symptoms are improving with TDS, this is the right dosage for him! However his supply of remedy would last twice as long if you could gently explain and convince him that the effect of 2 pills taken at one time is the same as that of one pill. Keep in mind that for some patients two pills is better than one, especially when this thought is deep-rooted in their mind.
3. There are standard potencies listed on all the cards. I want to understand the principle behind choosing a specific potency for a card so that I can choose my own in a case where the standard potency does not seem to be working.
A. In vibrionics, the concept of ‘potency’ is based on the principles of homoeopathy. Masters of homoeopathy differ widely in their opinion on selecting a potency. To quote an example, Close writes “Different potencies act differently in different cases and individuals at different times under different conditions. All may be needed. No one potency, high or low, will meet the requirement of all cases at all times.” Most experts appear to agree on the following: A. Acute conditions: lower potencies with frequent dosage. B. Severe conditions: higher potencies with cautious monitoring. C. Chronic conditions: higher potencies with less frequent dosage for deeper healing. D. Terminal conditions: even mother tincture may be required.
A vital factor in selecting potency is a patient’s psychological state, i.e., vitality, sensitivity and mental state. In our opinion, quite a lot depends on the practitioner’s reading of a patient’s situation and problem, and also on his own intuition. Some practitioners follow a simple rule: for physical issues, use lower potencies and for mental illness, use higher potencies.
4. I am advised to recharge my 108CC box every 2 to 3 years. I am wondering how the vibrations in 108 bottles of the Master Box remain fully charged? Do you do anything specific to those bottles so that they can maintain their charge?
A. This question was partially touched upon in our NL vol 8 #2. The Master box in Prashanti Nilayam physically blessed by Swami, is kept in a cupboard well away from all sources of radiation and never taken out of the room. At least once in three months, it is checked for any bottles running low, which are then topped up; all bottles are then shaken as prescribed. In the unlikely event of any bottle drying up, a parallel Master box, also blessed by Swami, is maintained and is always kept in sync with the original box. I can reiterate that the Force Field of Baba's energy is as powerful as it was when the Master Box was first blessed.
5.In order to prepare a remedy using the 108CC box, sometimes when I have to add 5 to 6 different drops (even 13 drops in case of IB remedy) to one dram bottle of pills, they become clumpy. Is there a way to get round this problem?
A. Yes, the simple procedure is to first put all drops of CCs to an empty bottle, transfer this mixture into another empty bottle leaving behind 1-2 drops in the original bottle, to which add pills and shake as usual. In this way, all the different vibrations, contained in the 1-2 drops, get infused in the pills. This answer can be found in vol 10 #2 but here is some additional information.
Make water remedy with the removed mixture and make use of it for your plants. If you are making a remedy which will be required frequently (eg IB) then it is advisable to prepare and store it in a dropper bottle.