Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Perfiles de Practicantes

Vol 9 Número 5
September/October 2018

Practitioner Profile

Practitioner 11520...India qualified in the field of clinical psychology and management, is a corporate consultant. She mostly works from home to effectively balance her career and responsibilities towards her family. Interestingly, Sai vibrionics brought her into the fold of Swami in 2012. In 2008 her husband met with an accident which broke his...(continued)

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Practitioner Profile 03522...मॉरीशस

Practitioner 03522…Mauritius, is an aviation safety professional employed in Mauritius for the last sixteen years. He has been in Swami’s fold since childhood and participates regularly in various seva activities of Sai organisation. He came to know about the healing potential of Sai vibrionics after watching Souljourns videos on the...(continued)

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