Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Plantar Fasciitis 01205J...India

A 52 year-old woman had been suffering from an inflamed heel for 8 months. Her doctor had been treating her with medicines, which neither reduced the pain nor cured the condition. She was advised to have a series of injections in the bone of both heels, which, though painful, would possibly cure the condition. She refused this treatment and approached a Vibrionics practitioner instead. She mentioned to the practitioner that she had also suffered from sciatica a year back. Considering her age, the practitioner decided to treat her for osteoporosis also. The following combo was given to the patient:

CC3.7 Circulation + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.4 Muscles & supportive tissues + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis…QDS

In one month’s time, the patient completely recovered and could walk comfortably without any pain. The practitioner advised her to continue taking the medicine for another month TDS. Since then the problem has not recurred.

Although this is a successful result, at first it would have been better to have given only the combo for the heel inflammation and treat the possible osteoporosis or return of sciatica if and when they appeared.