Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Hospital Virus, Chronic Food and Latex Allergies 02802...UK

A dentist aged 25 working in a hospital contacted the practitioner because he could not clear a virus he had caught at work. This caused diarrhea and tiredness with a heavy feeling in the head. He also had allergy to nuts and chickpeas. In addition, latex gloves which he was obliged to wear at his work, caused his hands to be itchy. The practitioner posted the following combos to him:

  #1. CC9.2 Infections acute + CC4.6 Diarrhea + CC19.2 Respiratory allergies + CC19.5 Sinusitis….6TD for the virus.

  #2. CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC4.2 Liver & Gallbladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic…TDS for the chronic allergies.

  The two combos to be taken separately during the day. Two months later he reported the pills were amazing: his diarrhea was better in 3 days and soon stopped completely. His digestion was much better and he was now able to eat chickpeas. His hands were not itching so much from the latex gloves. Three more bottles were posted to him of Combo #2 and he was told to reduce the remedy when his condition was stable. The practitioner has reported that he is now quite well. 

If using a Sai Ram Potentiser give: #1. NM36 War + NM62 Allergy-B + NM80 Gastro + BR13 Allergy + BR14 Lung + BR15 Sinus. #2. NM27 Skin-D + NM29 SUFI + NM102 Skin Itch + BR9 Digestion + SR528 Skin