Boletín deVibriónica Sai

" Cuando quiera que vean a una persona enferma, abatida o desconsolada, ahí está su campo de seva(servicio) " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

The Answer Corner

Vol 8 Número 3
May/June 2017

1. Question: My patient told me that only holding the bottle in her breast pocket seemed to give her good relief for her particular symptom. Are there any other reports on this matter?

    Answer: Yes, some patients have reported that keeping the bottle close to the body gave them almost the same relief as taking the remedy orally. This happens in the case of a patient who is very sensitive to these subtle vibrations and hence can absorb these energies merely by being close to them. This effect depends entirely on the individual recipient. 


2. Question: My patient has been suffering from empyema for many years. I prescribed the combo CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC19.5 Sinusitis which did not seem to have helped. What is your suggestion?

     Answer: Empyema is accumulation of infected fluid in a cavity, usually lungs. We recommend you give CC19.3 Chest infection chronic + CC19.6 Cough chronic and CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic can be added if required. As this is a chronic disease, it can take a long time to cure. Also, suitable changes in lifestyle, especially diet and eating less at night time are vital. 


3. Question: I had kept several remedy bottles along with my 108CC box in a tin, thinking that such tins commonly available in the market are made of aluminium. I recently discovered that these tins do attract magnets. Is there any guideline that we must not keep remedies inside or close to a metal container?  

    Answer: Generally, we don’t expect the remedies inside plastic bottles to be affected by a metal box. In the same way, we expect the combo kit to be OK when it is kept inside such a metal box. Of course, we can’t keep the remedy pills directly in a metal box. However, it will be wise to keep your SRHVP away from such metal boxes.


4. Question: Can vibrations in a moving car/train affect the remedies? Similarly, will plane journey alter a vibro remedy?

    Answer: Mechanical vibrations in a moving car/train/plane should not affect a vibro remedy. However, electromagnetic radiation coming into an aeroplane is a completely different story since radiation can neutralise the healing vibrations in the remedies. A good amount of protection is built in the remedies since anti-radiation remedies have been added to each of the 108CC bottles. Some practitioners prefer to protect the remedies and their 108CC box by carefully wrapping them in good quality aluminium foil. However, be careful not to re-use the foil as this may introduce tiny breaks.


5. Question: Is there any advice for practitioners to keep them motivated to continue their vibrionics seva?

     Answer: Regardless of any obstacles and difficulties, the sense of personal spiritual growth through seva or any other spiritual practice is a motivating force in itself. Generally, doing vibrionics seva provides the really serious and devoted practitioners with enough energy to keep going. However, there are circumstances which make the practitioners feel disheartened.

·        We know that new practitioners sometimes feel isolated and this dampens their enthusiasm. So, we have taken a number of steps to address this issue. Under the latest mentoring program, a new practitioner is assigned a mentor who provides one-on-one support. Older practitioners who don’t feel so confident are welcome to enrol in this program too. Our emphasis on local practitioners’ meetings and conference calls not only helps to keep in touch with others but also clears participants’ doubts. Write to [email protected] for contact details of other practitioners in your area with a view to interact with them on a regular basis. Practitioners from USA and Canada may write direct to their coordinator at [email protected].

·        When practitioners do not see results as per their expectations or they start treating complex cases for which they lack confidence (sometimes due to lack of knowledge) the team at [email protected] is always ready to provide useful advice.

·         We often hear that some practitioners simply do not have enough patients. In such situations we suggest they treat plants and animals. Giving telephone/skype consultation and mailing remedies can help in bringing more patients.

Above all, for us to stay focussed on vibro seva, it is essential to keep up other personal spiritual practices, such as meditation, japa, bhajan, chanting, attending satsang and study circle and reading of spiritual literature