Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

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Psihični napadi, konjunktivitis 03112...Greece

17-letni fant je imel dve težavi: že dve leti je bil zaskrbljen in ni mogel dobro spati, ker se je bal, da ga bodo napadle nevidne entitete. Zaradi tega se še ni zdravil. Že 10 let pa je imel kronični konjunktivitis. Njegove oči so bile rdeče in so ga srbele. Za te znake je več let jemal kortizon. Pred kratkim je poskusil s homeopatijo, pa ni pomagalo....(continued)

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Trauma to Eye 02711...Malaysia

A 62-year-old lady accidentally poked her left eye with the end of her spectacles, causing a blood vessel to burst. This caused her eye ball to become completely dark red and also sore. She had to wear sunglasses so that people could not see her red eye or, as she said, she did not want to frighten the children! Her GP prescribed pain-killers and antibiotics...(continued)

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Cataract in a dog 02095...USA

Duke, a male dog (aged 12)  was diagnosed with a cataract. He  was given the following treatment by the practitioner:
NM47 Cataract Compound + NM48 Vitamin Eye Comp + NM68 Cataract Comp-B…BD

The vet was not informed that vibrational remedies were being given, so subsequent visits left the vet shaking his head, rechecking his...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Glaucoma 01176...Bosnia

The practitioner, a woman aged 76, went to have her eyes checked two years ago because her glasses were not helping her vision as much as they used to. After testing her eyes the optician said that, like her father, she had glaucoma with pressure in both eyes of approx. 32 mmHg. She was also told that no lens could help her vision in the right eye as it had...(continued)

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Poor Vision (Macular hole) 02799...UK

A 57-year-old male came to see the practitioner on August 14, 2013 because of poor vision. He had lost all vision in his right eye. The vision in his left eye was only 30% because of a hole in the central part of his retina (a lamellar macular hole). His ophthalmologist had said that if the hole did not close by itself, he would become blind. He had been...(continued)

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Poor Vision 02789...India

An 8-year-old girl had been diagnosed with dry eyes and extremely poor vision. She was sent for an eye check-up where the doctors ruled out anything that could be done to help the condition. The practitioner was told by her family that when this girl was two years old, she had high fever. At that time, she lost her vision and had suffered dry eyes ever since....(continued)

Beri cel primer

Blindness from Childhood 02640...India

A middle aged lady was referred to a healer, who is also an allopathic doctor, by an ophthalmic surgeon for vibro treatment as the woman was unable to see from childhood. On examination, it was confirmed that she was not able to see clearly. She was given:
CC7.1 Eye tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic …QDS

After taking the above combo for just two weeks, she...(continued)

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Optični nevritis & trahom 02817...India

Zdravilec piše: Prosili so nas za zdravljenje mladega moškega, 23 let, ki je imel hude težave z očmi. Dobil je diagnozo optični nevritis in trahom, ki ga je imel že 6 let. Imel je steroidne kapljice in tablete. To ga je oviralo pri študiju. Ker je živel v Mumbaiju, se ni mogel udeležiti športnih iger zaradi onesnaženosti...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Psoriaza, Tip 2 Diabetes, solzenje oči 02799...UK

59-letni moški je imel hudo psoriazo 20 let, zato je prišel po zdravila 11 junija 2014. Koža na nogah je bila temna, debela in luskava; to mu je povzročalo precej težav. Redno je uporabljal steroidna mazila, a brez učinka. Že 12 let so ga zdravili tudi za diabetes tipa 2, a z alopatskimi ustnimi zdravili stanje ni bilo pod nadzorom (Metformin in...(continued)

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Boleča in neredna menstruacija, Konjunktivitis 11177...India

30 septembra 2010 je prišla na zdravljenje 21- letna ženska. V preteklem letu in pol so njene menstruacije zamujale 5 do 10 dni.  Pred 3 dnevi je dobila še konjunktivitis. Nobenih zdravil še ni jemala za ta dva problema. Dali so ji:

Za menstruacijo:
#1. CC8.8 Menses Irregular…TDS

Za konjunktivitis:

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Huda depresija, dvojni vid, insomnia 01339...USA

Odrasel sin je po prijateljevem nasvetu marca 2014 sporočil zdravilki, da prosi za zdravljenje 65-letne matere. Mati je že 3 leta imela depresijo in psihične motnje. V tem času je nastopilo več fizičnih težav. Zredila se je, imela je histerektomijo, dobila je diabetes, visoki holesterol, žolčne kamne, ulkuse in zgago, nespečnost, hudo migreno, problem s...(continued)

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Chalazion 02817...India

Mlada tehnica računalniške opreme (23 let) je prišla na zdravljenje velikega tvora znotraj spodnje desne veke 22 avgusta 2015. Tvor se je razvil pred 3 dnevi. Bila je pri specialistu oftalmologu, ki je tvorbo imenoval ‘chalazion’ in predpisal antibiotik ter protivnetne kapljice  (Occumox K)  in mazilo (Ocupol-D). Po dveh...(continued)

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Retinitis Pigmentosa, panični napadi, slaba prebava 02802...UK

65-letni moški je prišel na zdravljenje z boleznijo ‘retinitis pigmentosa (RP)’, to je napredujoča očesna bolezen - 1 februarja 2015. Uradno je bil slep od 15. leta. Njegovo stanje se je slabšalo z leti, videl je črno in sivo, nobenih drugih barv. Imel je tudi pline, visok holesterol (6.2mmol/L) in bolečine v hrbtu. Počutil se...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Bele pike 10940...India

35-letni poslovnež je prosil za vibrioniko za majhne bele pike, ki so se pojavljale že 6-8 mesecev na koži vratu in stegen. Terapija se je začela 10 julija:
#1. SR252 Tuberculinum 200C…OW, 4 doses

#2. CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.2 Skin infections…QDS

Po 3 mesecih (9 oktobra) je bilo 30% bolje. Potem je bolnik nadaljeval z #2,...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Izguba vida 11958...India

40-letna ženska je bila kratkovidna dve leti, zato je prišla k zdravilcu 13 julija 2015. Imela je diagnozo distropfija makule. Njen vid je bil RE-6/60, LE-6/24* in bližnji vid N36**. Posvetovala se je z zdravniki v Indiji in Londonu. Rekli so ji, da ni zdravljenja za tako stanje in da bo postopoma postala slepa. Izzvali so jo, da bodo plačali...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Eyes – itching, burning 01001...Uruguay

A 57-year-old lady had itchiness, burning sensation and tiredness in both eyes for the past 4 years. She spends long hours on computer and this may have caused the problems. She had been under allopathic treatment for 4 years. She was prescribed anti-allergic medication and moisturizing eye drops which did not help but she still took...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Allergy to chlorine 11422...India

A healthy 21-year-old male plumber came for a remedy on 8 August 2015 with severe pain in his eyes, a headache, and hazy vision. For the past two years, he had been handling chlorine daily to clean the swimming pool without any problem. However for the past two months, he had been feeling uneasy but the symptoms became intense only two days before. He did not...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Eyes – pain, redness, swelling 11567...India

A 9-year-old boy came with pain, redness and swelling (started the day before) in the lateral margin of upper eyelid of his left eyes shown in the picture.

There was no history of any injury or insect bite. His parents mentioned that their paediatrician had prescribed antibiotics...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Vitreous Floater and Glaucoma 10608...India

On 17 Feb 2017 a 65-year-old female came to seek vibrionics treatment for vitreous floaters and glaucoma in both her eyes, which was detected on 3 Sep 2016. The pressure in the right and left eyes respectively was 28 and 34, much above the normal pressure range of 12 to 22 mm Hg. The doctor advised laser surgery as a permanent cure. But as the patient was...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Stye 11583...India

On 28 November 2016, a 40-year-old woman consulted this practitioner immediately after the symptoms surfaced in her right eye: sudden itching, swelling, watering and redness due to a stye. The problem started over 10 years ago and it has been recurring on average every 6 months. Every time, her physician would prescribe antibiotics and the symptoms would...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Inflammatory glaucoma 02799...UK

When a 62-year-old woman came to see the practitioner, she had been experiencing some pressure in her right eye and also blurred vision since June 2017. Two months later, she was diagnosed with inflammatory glaucoma (caused by ocular inflammation) and treated with eye drops and oral steroids (it is necessary even though it can cause increased intraocular...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Cyst on eyelid 10001...India

A 15-year-old girl was having a 4-5 mm cyst on her left upper eyelid for the past 4 months. She had been on allopathic medication including eye drops with no success.

On 20 April 2018 the following remedy was given:

CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC17.3 Brain &...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Miller Fisher syndrome 03542...UK

63-letna ženska je bila zdrava z normalnim vidom. Ko je prišla iz Indije v Združeno kraljestvo tretji teden junija 2018, naenkrat ni mogla premakniti levega očesa; zdelo se ji je, da je zamrznilo na svojem položaju in je slabo videla. Takoj je šla k zdravniku 25 junija 2018. Poslali so jo k očesnemu zdravniku, ki je stanje imenoval...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Meglen vid in omotica 01001...India

38-letna ženska je imela meglen vid večkrat dnevno in občasno omotico v preteklih  3 mesecih. Stres v službi je omotico še poslabšal. Zdravnik ji je svetoval, da gre k nevologu, a se za to ni odločila. 5 decembra 2018 je obiskala zdravilca.

Dal ji je naslednje zdravilo:
NM44 Trigeminal Neuralgia + NM109 Vision + NM22 Liver + SM39...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Blindness from Childhood 02640...India

A middle aged lady was referred to a healer, who is also an allopathic doctor, by an ophthalmic surgeon for vibro treatment as the woman was unable to see from childhood. On examination, it was confirmed that she was not able to see clearly. She was given:

CC7.1 Eye Tonic + CC12.1 Adult Tonic…QDS

 After taking the above combo for just two weeks,...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Trauma to Eye 02711...Malaysia

A 62 year-old lady accidentally poked her left eye with the end of her spectacles, causing a blood vessel to burst. This caused her eye ball to become completely dark red and also sore. She had to wear sunglasses so that people could not see her red eye or, as she said, she did not want to frighten the children! Her GP prescribed pain-killers and antibiotics...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Poor Vision 02789...India

An 8 year old girl had been diagnosed with dry eyes and extremely poor vision. She was sent for an eye check-up where the doctors ruled out anything that could be done to help the condition. The practitioner was told by her family that when this girl was two years old, she had high fever. At that time, she lost her vision and had suffered dry eyes ever since....(continued)

Beri cel primer

Glaucoma 01176...Bosnia

The practitioner, a woman aged 76, went to have her eyes checked two years ago because her glasses were not helping her vision as much as they used to. After testing her eyes the optician said that, like her father, she had glaucoma with pressure in both eyes of approx. 32 mmHg. She was also told that no lens could help her vision in the right eye as it had...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Srbeče in mokre oči, po operaciji katarakte 11629...India

50-letna kmetijska delavka je imela pred 2 letoma operacijo katarakte v desnem očesu, njen vid se je izboljšal samo do 75% iz prejšnjih 25%. Poleg tega jo je to oko srbelo in izločalo vodo, kadarkoli je bila na močnem soncu in ob prahu na kmetiji. Uporabljala je zdravilo Flubigat in Ara kapljice za oči, pa ji niso pomagale. Postopoma je dobivala...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Konjunktivitis 00135...USA

Ženska 35 let, prodajalka zelenjave na zunanji strani ašramskega zidu je dobila virusni konjunktivitis v epidemiji, ki se je razširila v Puttaparthiju in ašramu. Poskusila je več zdravil, pa ni nič pomagalo.  Obe očesi sta bili otečeni in vneti, s srbenjem in izločanjem solz. Bila je prizadeta. To je trajalo že 2 dni. Dali so ji:


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zapora retinalne vene 02867...USA

83-letna ženska je sporočila zdravilki stanje v svojem desnem očesu, ki ga medicina pozna kot "central retinal vein occlusion," (CRVO). Kadar je centralna retinalna vena blokirana, se zmanjša cirkulacija skozi retino, pojavi se oteklina in  pogosto se poveča tekočina v tistem predelu očesa. Ta bolnica je imela močno oviran vid;...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Degeneracija makule 10831...India

Moški 43-let je imel normalen vid do leta1998, v starosti 28 let. 

Pričevanje bolnika: 

"Moj vid se je počasi začel slabšati,zato sem se leta 2000 oglasil v očesni ustanovi ‘LV Prasad Eye Institute’ in za moj problem sem dobil diagnozo ‘redo macular degeneration. Ta bolezen  ni ozdravljiva, ker je genetski...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Izrastek v veki 11422...India

Aprila 2013 se je pri zdravilcu oglasila 53-letna ženska. V desni očesni veki je imela izrastek, podoben bradavici v velikosti pol grahovega zrna. Ni je bolelo, vendar jo je motilo. Dobila je diagnozo za ‘chalazion’, problem pri očesu, svetovali so ji operacijo. Tega ni želela in je prišla k zdravilcu, da poskusi z vibrioniko. To težavo je...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Stress 11271...India

A 32-year-old male executive, also doing a part time MBA from IIM, had symptoms of chronic right side headache, sensation problems on right side of his head and flickering of right eye for the past two years. These symptoms occurred when he was stressed due to extreme pressure from his work and studies. He would feel sleepy during what he called, “the...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Eye Allergy 02817...India

A 21-year-old male came with an eye allergy of 7 years duration that caused red  eyes,  white  discharge  and  watery  eyes.  He  had been taking steroids but they did not help. He was given: 

CC3.7 Circulation + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC7.6 Eye injury + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC21.1 Skin tonic...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Ptosis of the Eyelid 02817...India

A man, aged 70-years, came for help with an eyelid that was nearly closed or drooped (ptosis) over the eye. He had it for a year. We gave the following: 

#1.  CC3.7  Circulation +  CC7.1  Eye  tonic  +  CC7.3  Eye  infections  + CC20.4 Muscles & Supportive tissue…TDS 

#2. Eye drops: above...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Stye 02817...India

A young woman, age 20, came because she had a stye or cyst on the inside of her eyelid. It had been surgically removed once and had returned in a month. She was given: 

#1. CC2.3 Tumours & Growths + CC3.7 Circulation + CC7.3 Eye infections + CC8.1 Female tonic + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC20.4 Muscles &...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Izguba vida 11520...India

53-letni moški je 25 julija 2018 dobil hudo bolečino v čelu, oteklino na levi strani obraza, pekoči občutek in odrevenelost v levem očesu. V nekaj dneh v tem očesu ni imel več vida. Po 2 tednih je bil pri specialistu in dobil diagnozo začasne BRVO (Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion – zapora vene v mrežnici, kar pomeni blokado...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Poškodba mrežnice 01339 ...USA

4 novembra 2022 je ženska 65 let opazila črtice in pike, kakor da bi bili glasbeni znaki in ‘floaters – premikajoče znake’ v desnem očesu, vendar je videla skozi njih. Vid v levem očesu je bil normalen. Zdravnik je dal diagnozo poškodbe desne mrežnice v obliki konjske podkve in jo je poslal k specialistu, ki je 8 novembra potrdil...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Glavkom 03611...USA

70-letna ženska je od aprila 2013 občutila pritisk in utrujenost oči po gledanju TV ali mobilnega telefona ali branja knjige že po kratkem času. Dobila je diagnozo dvignjenega pritiska in suhosti oči, mogoče tudi slabotnih očesnih mišic. Takoj je dobila trajne leče (poseben tip Toric) za obe očesi in predpisali so ji drage kapljice za nadzor očesnega...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Makularna degeneracija 11476...India

Februarja 1995 je 55-letna ženska imela težave v njeni drugi nosečnosti – videla je temne pike, v levem očesu pa je bil moten vid. Diagnoza je bila centralna ‘serous’ korioretinopatija (chorioretinopathy CSCR), a zdravnik ni svetoval zdravljenja. Po porodu so znaki izginili in njen vid je bil zopet normalen. Svetovali so ji redne preglede...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Bolečina v prsih in očesu 11632...India

35-letna ženska  - ‘software’ uradnica je že 6 let od leta 2015 trpela z močno bolečino v prsih, kadarkoli je bila depresivna ali pa čustveno prizadeta zaradi osebnih odnosov, preveč dela ali stresnih uradnih srečanj; takšno počutje je trajalo nekaj ur. Njeni izvidi ECG in ‘echo’ so bili v letih 2016 in 2017 normalni....(continued)

Beri cel primer


61-letna ženska je slabo videla od sredine leta 2020. Kadar je brala več kot 3 ure, je dobila moten vid, ki je bil močnejši v levem očesu. Po počitku 5 minut in umivanju oči je motnja izginila za nekaj časa. Do 16 julija 2022 se je stanje precej poslabšalo in je šla k specialistu, ki je dal diagnozo za katarakto in predlagal operacijo po...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Dry eyes, pus discharge 11645...India

A 40-year-old woman had been suffering from dry and gritty eyes with redness, itching, and discharge of whitish pus since June 2020, two months after recovering from Covid-19. She neglected her symptoms until Feb 2021 when they became worse; the ophthalmologist attributed her condition to post-covid effects and prescribed steroid eye drops. This...(continued)

Beri cel primer

Drooping eyelids (Ptosis) 11632...India

In a monthly vibrionics camp at an old age home, an 80-year-old woman, sought treatment for drooping of eyelids that started in Jan 2022. Initially, she had difficulty in opening her eyes upon waking, feeling as though her eyelids were stuck; she had to open them with her fingers. As the day progressed, her right eyelid would droop fully, while the left only...(continued)

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