Sai Vibrionics Newsletter

" Whenever you see a sick person, a dispirited, disconsolate or diseased person, there is your field of seva. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Vol 5 Izdaja 3
May/June 2014

From the Desk of Jit K Aggarwal

Here Dr. Aggarwal shares how Swami chooses all practitioners, reminds us that we promised to treat all patients with love, and complete our monthly reports. We are reminded that all patients are our patients, and to be willing to share, with Swami emphasizing the importance of unity. The changes in the newsletter, and the use of Vibrionics in agriculture.

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Primeri zdravljenja

This issue’s cases include treatment of atopic dermatitis & hyperacidity; epilepsy; tongue cancer; kidney damage; alcohol addiction; and bull with asthma. Please click the button below to explore.

Primeri za branje

Profili zdravilcev

Profili za branje

The Answer Corner

In this issue Dr. Aggarwal answers how to login to the practitioner's portal, whether it is good to ask a patient to write down their problems before coming to an appointment, is it permissible to use the remedy left in a cracked bottle to start a new bottle, can an almost empty bottle be refilled with alcohol, how long remedies made in water should be kept, what to do if all the remedies in the 108 CC box haven't helped, is it helpful to ask the patient to pray or chant when receiving the remedy, and can a female practitioner prepare remedies during menstruation.

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Divine Words from the Master Healer

Swami instructs us that actions performed as offerings to God get sanctified and how much to eat at a meal.

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Information about upcoming workshops in Italy, UK, Poland, USA and India

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In Addition

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