Glasnik Sai Vibrionike

" Kad god vidite nesretnu, bolesnu ili potištenu osobu, to je polje vašeg sluţenja,seve. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Kidney stones 10548...India

A 37-year-old colleague of the practitioner was suffering from severe back pain for the past few days. After consulting a doctor, he was advised to undergo a scan, which revealed 14 kidney stones. The doctor recommended surgery, but the patient was hesitant and sought help from the practitioner. On 14 Feb 2023, he was given the following remedy:

CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.5 Kidney stones…6TD

Within just one day, the patient excitedly reported 50% relief from back pain! After eight days, pain had gone down by 90%; dosage was reduced to TDS. By 25 March, he was completely pain-free. In May, a follow-up scan showed no trace of kidney stones! The dosage was slowly tapered down and stopped on 5 June 2023. As of Jan 2025, the patient remains well.

Patient’s testimonial (Translated from Gujrati)

"I would like to inform you that in the second week of February 2023, I experienced severe pain in my back. I consulted an allopathic doctor, and according to the ultrasound report, there were 14 kidney stones. I met with the practitioner for Sai Vibrionics treatment. He gave me tablets, and I took them continuously for 3 months. After 3 months, all the stones disappeared from my kidney. I am grateful to Sri Sathya Sai Seva Samiti and Swami for my recovery."