Glasnik Sai Vibrionike

" Kad god vidite nesretnu, bolesnu ili potištenu osobu, to je polje vašeg sluţenja,seve. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Post-Chikungunya effects 11646...India

A 47-year-old male sought treatment for several symptoms that lingered for over four years after his recovery from chikungunya in 2019. He was constantly tired and had body and joint pain which exacerbated at night. Additionally, he suffered from episodes of sneezing, runny nose, sore throat and cough, recurring every 2 to 3 months, that lasted a week. For severe pain, he relied on prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory tablets and at times antibiotics, these provided only temporary relief. His health condition coupled with financial burden of allopathic treatment, left him feeling drained and dejected. Upon discovering vibrionics, he was filled with renewed hope as the practitioner gave him on 2 Sept 2023

 #1. IB*…TDS

He stopped other medication and in two weeks on 16 Sept, he reported 10% increase in energy level, 20% reduction in joint and body pain, and no episodes of cold or cough. By 30 Sept, his energy level had improved by 25%, and he remained free from respiratory issues. On 7 Oct, he reported 40% improvement in energy level and 30% relief in all pains. To further support his progress, he was given: 

#2. CC3.7 Circulation + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC12.1 Adult tonic + CC13.1 Kidney & Bladder tonic + CC15.1 Mental & Emotional tonic + CC18.5 Neuralgia + CC20.3 Arthritis + CC20.5 Spine + CC20.6 Osteoporosis + CC20.7 Fractures…TDS  

Within five weeks by 11 Nov, he made complete recovery, with all symptoms resolved and energy levels fully restored! He expressed heartfelt gratitude to the practitioner. The dosage of the remedies was reduced to OD. At a review on 25 Nov, as per patient’s comfort level, dosage was continued at OD until the pills got exhausted. On 18 July 2024, the patient confirmed the symptoms never recurred and he was happy and healthy.

*IB as per newsletter vol 13 #5.

Editor’s note: CC9.1 Recuperation, ideal after tropical diseases like chikungunya, includes CC4.1, CC12.1, and CC20.3 and could have expedited his recovery.