Glasnik Sai Vibrionike

" Kad god vidite nesretnu, bolesnu ili potištenu osobu, to je polje vašeg sluţenja,seve. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Itchy skin rash 11570...India

A 39-year-old woman was suffering from rash with severe itching all over her body for one and a half years; this started soon after she fell on the road in Jan 2020. Despite taking various allopathic treatments since then, both oral and topical including anti-fungal cream (Clobeta Gm), she found only temporary relief, hence stopped them. She was not on any medication when she approached the practitioner on 26 Sep 2021, he gave her:

CC10.1 Emergencies + CC21.3 Skin allergies + CC21.7 Fungus…TDS and in coconut oil for external application…BD

By13 Oct, itching improved by 40% but new itchy patches emerged on her thighs and forearms, indicative of a pullout. She was encouraged to continue the remedy.

By 26 Oct, she had 90% relief from both itching and rash and no new rash appeared! By 5 Nov, itching completely subsided leaving behind only the scars, so the dosage was reduced to OD and slowly tapered off until stopped on 30 Dec. On 19 Aug 2022, she reported scars had vanished and skin was back to normal. On a review in May 2024, the patient was happy and doing well.

Patient’s testimonial (Received on 20 May 2024, shortened and slightly paraphrased)

I got a lot of treatment done for my skin problem but it used to get cured and then happen again. My job is also that of a therapist and I got concerned when it happened on my forearm which was visible. The vibro practitioner listened to my problem very well and said to take the remedy with confidence. After taking it, when I started itching a lot, she gently advised me to continue. I did so and the skin problem started getting cured. I got full confidence and I have told about Vibrionics to a lot of people. Today my whole family takes Vibrionics; my son’s allergy, my urine incontinence and my husband’s fatty liver and high cholesterol all got resolved. We kept taking IB and nobody in our family got Covid!  Thank you.