Glasnik Sai Vibrionike

" Kad god vidite nesretnu, bolesnu ili potištenu osobu, to je polje vašeg sluţenja,seve. " Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Hands Reaching Out

Indigestion, addiction 11658...India

A 26-year-old truck driver presented with pain and burning sensation in his lower abdomen, alternating between one side and both sides over the past four years from 2019. Since then his appetite had been low, coupled with dark-coloured stools occurring 2 to 3 times a week. The symptoms appeared on consuming outside food or even mildly spicy or oily food at home and continued for the whole day. As his job demanded him to travel for at least 15 days every month, he found it challenging to avoid outside food. Two years ago, he had vomited blood, which significantly heightened his concerns about his health.

During the last six years, he got addicted to chewing tobacco, consuming up to five packets daily. Ultrasound scans of his abdomen and pelvis in Sept 2020 and Apr 2023 were normal, with the doctor warning him of potential stomach ulcers. He initially took allopathic tablets for a week but found no relief. He switched to homoeopathic treatment from Feb 2021 until 15 Dec 2023. However, his symptoms resurfaced soon after stopping the homoeo remedies. Upon learning about vibrionics, he consulted the practitioner on 21 Dec 2023, and expressed his readiness to discontinue the tobacco; he was given:

CC4.5 Ulcers + CC4.8 Gastroenteritis + CC4.10 Indigestion + CC10.1 Emergencies + CC15.3 Addictions…6TD

Four days later, the patient reported complete disappearance of symptoms and an improvement in his appetite. By 5 Jan 2024, tobacco consumption was down to three packets per day; dosage was reduced to TDS. On 2 Mar, he was taking one packet of tobacco, dosage was reduced to OD. On practitioner’s advice, he began carrying fennel seeds with him, and used them as a substitute whenever he felt the urge for tobacco. The dosage was slowly tapered down to OW on 1 May, which he prefers to continue. As of 29 June 2024, there has been no recurrence even with outside food and he has not taken tobacco since Apr 2024. Pleased with the results, he recommended vibrionics to his mother who is under treatment for knee pain.